16 Feb COVID-19: Let’s work together

SME’s and large corporates are seeing a massive reduction in sales and traffic due to the pandemic.

What do we do? Do we wait for it to end? Try to boost our online presence and invest in our IT systems? Or do we do what many are doing and just put it all on hold? Well it depends. Are you able to sell online? What about those of us who require brick and mortar stores to sell our products or services? It’s a tough one, really. It depends on each individual situation and requires emergency planning and resources which some of us don’t have.

We aren’t experts in remote working. We don’t have the answers to how you can migrate your business to do well online or how you can survive this

Enterprise Ireland have supports in place for businesses struggling during this pandemic and you can see that here!

What we can do is let you know that we are here to support and assist you in any way we can. We’ve sent hand sanitizers to our clients so that they have one less thing to worry about. Although it’s not huge it’s something. If we can all come together and do something small to help each-other out, then we will overcome this.

We want to let our clients and those of you who are not our clients know that this will pass, and we will overcome it together.

Those of us who are fortunate enough to work from home are by now, getting used to our family members, thin walls and loving pets. What we aren’t yet used to is how unprepared we were with what we brought home from the office! Why didn’t I remember to bring that webcam? Or that cable? That spare monitor could really come in handy now… its too late for that.

While we know that branding is not the most important thing on your list right now and resources are tight, we do know that your staff could do with a work from home pack to boost the morale.

We have come up with a package which you can give to your staff which will include all the essentials required to work from home comfortably. If that’s something you want to organize for your staff, you can contact us here.

All in all, we need to stay strong, work together and maintain focus during these unprecedented times. If you need help or have any questions, please contact us. If we don’t know the answer, we might know someone who will. Stay safe!